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MPEGIF Master Class

Next Generation Television Technology and
Business Models

Thursday, 6 September 2007, 10:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

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The MPEG Industry Forum (MPEGIF) presented an informational Master Class at IBC2007 focused on “Next Generation Television Technology and Business Models”.

Operators of new IP-based television services and the technologists enabling them exchanged their views on trends and technologies that are changing the way digital multimedia is created, compressed, stored, delivered and monetized. IP is the technology that is finally creating the converged information delivery infrastructure and an ecosystem is emerging, with new video and audio codecs, new middleware and content protection methods and completely new viewing experiences.

IPTV was initially associated with PTT and Telcos video services delivered over DSL. However, cable operators’ implementation of IP-based Switched Digital Video (SDV) provides the same unicast-based personalized services to compete with IPTV over DSL while at the same time, freeing up further bandwidth for High Speed Internet.

However there are still questions surrounding Next Generation Television that delay investment and launch decisions. This Master Class, as in previous years at IBC, provided information to help organizations make important decisions. Service operators adopting new IP-based video technologies shared their experiences to date. This session was an interactive session in which heated debates and audience participation was encouraged.


10:00 – 10:10 a.m. Introduction and Welcome

Sebastian Moeritz -- President, MPEGIF / CEO, dicas
David Price -- Vice President, MPEGIF/ Vice President, Harmonic

10:10 – 10:40 a.m. Keynote 1

Justin Fielder – Director Network Services, BSkyB Next Generation TV

10:40 – 11:40 a.m. Roundtable Panel 1: The Next Generation Television Business Model

Some analysts have questioned the financial sense of some of the new television services currently being launched or contemplated. Does the revenue coming from a more personalized service exceed the cost of that personalization? In our multitasking world how much information can be brought to a display at one time? How will advertising change over the next 5 years as customers start to control the timing of video play outs? In addition will the "over the top services" drain operators ARPU and send them towards the “dumb pipe” that they dread becoming. Are there services that operators can add, which will move them away from that precipice and add to the ARPU?

Moderator Sebastian Moeritz – Pesident, MPEGIF/CEO dicas
Speakers Justin Fielder – Director, Network Services, BSkyB
Giampaolo Bandini – Planning Manager, Fastweb A talent for innovation
Kevin Baughan – Head of Technical Strategy, Virgin Media Next Generation TV Business Models
Matthew Huntington – VP Marketing, OpenTV
Toby Russell – CEO, 3Vision 3vision Indtroduction

11:40 – 12:10 p.m. Keynote 2

Jens Rieken – Executive Director Product Development, Core Media The Next Generation Television - DRM, Technology and Business Models

12:10 – 1:10 p.m. Roundtable Panel 2: Stopping the IP Pirates

A key element of securing revenues in next generation video entertainment is in the area of Content Security. There is no doubt that the driving mechanism for next generation video will be IP, but are the content owners still scared of the “I” in “IP”? Does it mean that new operators are going to be plagued with piracy? Specifically addressing the role of DRM; is DRM doomed to be proprietary, and which DRM is expected to be dominant (if any)? How does DRM and service authorization based security co-exist and complement each other?

Moderator David Price – Vice President, MPEGIF / Vice President, Harmonic Inc
Speakers Jens Rieken – Executive Director Product Development, Core Media
Robin Wilson – VP Business Development, NagraVision Crypto Conundrums
Rob Schumann – President, Cinea
Kit Harvey – Business Development Manager, Playboy TV Playboy Introduction
Peter Guglielmino – CTO Media and Entertainment, IBM IBM: Enabling SOA for Digital Media
Marco Frazier – Director of Affiliate Sales, ESPN ESPN Introduction

1:10 – 1:55 p.m. Lunch

1:55 – 2:10 p.m. Welcome Back and Technology Splash

David Price -- Vice President, MPEGIF/ Vice President, Harmonic
Sebastian Moeritz -- President, MPEGIF / CEO, dicas

2:10 – 2:40 p.m. Keynote 3

Thomas Staneker – Senior Executive VP IPTV, T-Com Dual Play Plus

2:40 – 3:40 p.m. Roundtable Panel 3: New Video Applications & Services

Next generation media creation and delivery technologies are enabling new services, which include, Improved Video and TV on Demand (ranking, positioning, sponsoring, preferences, interactive, self produced etc), Seamless integration of traditional TV, Personal & anticipated content (local and regional, educational, affinity and special interest etc), Video Advertising (relevant & transactional), Mobile TV, Mobile VOD and many other applications. Can we assume that the most compelling content for video while away from the home or office will be live content? Or is cached content such as movies going to be the way to keep the kids quiet in the back of the mini-van? Can standards really help simplify an increasingly complex ecosystem?

Moderator Sebastian Moeritz – Pesident, MPEGIF/CEO dicas
Speakers Thomas Staneker – Senior Executive VP IPTV, T-Com
Christopher Lenaerts – CEO, Telemak
Bob Giddy – CEO, Amino New Video Applications and Services
Ivan Verbesselt – Senior VP, Head of Strategic Marketing, Nagravision Enabling Digital TV Convergence
Tassilo Raesig – Head Content Navigation Services, Business Development, Sony Content Navigation Services: Europe
Gianpaolo Balboni – Senior Program Manager TV and Multimedia, Telecom Italia Next Generation Television Technology & Business Model
David Trescot – Vice President Rhozet Business Unit Harmonic Inc

3:40 – 3:50 p.m. MPEGIF Logo Qualification Update/Awards

3:50 – 4:20 p.m. Keynote 4

Benjamin Schwartz – Technology Development Manager, Orange Labs/France Telecom To profit from IPTV you need Quality of Experience

4:20 – 5:20 p.m. Roundtable Panel 4: So Many Ecosystems – So Little Time!

One thing is sure. IP will dominate the transmission of information including video. However, there are many pieces to the puzzle. How do operators manage the proliferation of Codecs (dominated by MPEG-4 AVC / H.264). Is there a role for standards elsewhere in the ecosystem or is it best to leave it to Microsoft IPTVe to provide a tried and tested total system. Are alternative middleware/ecosystems feasible? What about the other operators? How quickly will cable move to IPTV, and is the satellite/terrestrial broadband hybrid model the most cost effective solution?

Moderator David Price – Vice President, MPEGIF / Vice President, Harmonic Inc
Speakers Benjamin Schwartz – Technology Development Manager, Orange Labs/France Telecom
David Gillies – Director of Technology, Pace Micro Technology Inspiration Innovation Intelligence
Alvaro Gazzolo – CEO, IPTV
Rob Glidden – Market Development Manager Broadband and Digital Media, Sun
Gabriele Elia – Director Broadcast Solution Innovation Group, Telecom Italia Telecom Italis at a Glance
Tom Giunta – Senior Director of Product Marketing, Motorola Motorola IP Video Solutions Technology Overview
Ian Walker - Vice President, New Business Development ADB Global

5:20 – 5:30 p.m. Conclusions and Closing Remarks & IPod Drawing

Sebastian Moeritz -- President, MPEGIF / CEO, dicas
David Price -- Vice President, MPEGIF/ Vice President, Harmonic

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