[M4IF Technotes] Help Needed in MPEG4 Reference Software

Jean-Claude Dufourd jean-claude.dufourd enst.fr
Fri Aug 24 11:51:00 EDT 2001

"Yao, Michael" wrote:
> Any People used IM1-2D player to play the data in player2d\samples\
> in system reference software?
> The message I got "INVALID URL"

- bad installation: im1_dmifclientfilter.dll is not in the path or
something like that
- which version of player with which version of content ? one could be
before COR1 and the other after. Reencode the content with the tools in
sync with the player you are using.
Plus of course the TRIF possibility already mentioned.
Best regards
Jean-Claude Dufourd       @======================================@
ENST, Dept COMELEC             The wing, over the big rock...
46, rue Barrault          @======================================@
75013 Paris                Tel: +33145817807    Fax: +33145804036

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