[M4IF Technotes] MPEG-4 short video header conformance streams

Gary Sullivan garysull microsoft.com
Mon Jun 24 17:59:38 EDT 2002

I believe this is a matter of whether the streams
contain configuration information or are stand-alone
elementary streams.  The spec describes both cases
(configuration information contained "in-band" and
"elementary stream only").
Best Regards,
+> -----Original Message-----
+> From: iole moccagatta [mailto:imoccaga   lsil.com] 
+> Sent: Monday, June 24, 2023 2:54 PM
+> To: m4if tech notes
+> Cc: Iole Moccagatta
+> Subject: [M4IF Technotes] MPEG-4 short video header 
+> conformance streams
+> Dear All,
+> I have one question concerning MPEG-4 short video header conformance
+> streams.
+> I have notice that the MPEG-4 short video header conformance streams
+> start with "short_video_start_marker", while the other MPEG-4 video
+> conformance streams start with "video_object_start_code".
+> However, according to the MPEG-4 spec, the "short_video_start_marker"
+> too should be preceded by a "video_object_start_code".
+> I assume that the decision to start the two set of 
+> conformance streams
+> at different level is just a practical one. Should I therefore assume
+> that, in a real situation, the short video header stream should be
+> preceded, among other things, by a video_object_start_code ?
+> Please confirm.
+> Best Regards,
+>     Iole
+> --
+> =============================================================
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+> =       Iole Moccagatta, Ph.D.                               
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+> =       LSI Logic                          e-mail: 
+> iole.moccagatta   lsil.com  =
+> =       1778 McCarthy Blvd.                Phone: 
+> +1.408.954-3101            =
+> =       Milpitas CA 95035                  Fax:   
+> +1.408.954-3599            =
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+> =  "Spatium...ultima confinia.... Haec sunt itinera 
+> astranavis               =
+> =   Incepti. Huic missio quinque annorum: explorare mundos 
+> alienos novos,    =
+> =   petere vitam novam novosque cultus, ire fortiter quo 
+> nemo iverit         =
+> =   ante."                                                   
+>                 =
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