[M4IF Technotes] HEC in VP

Herbert Thoma tma iis.fhg.de
Mon Apr 7 14:14:55 EDT 2003

Lucia schrieb:
> Dear experts,
> in the reference software (non FGS) it seems that, in the case of
> rectangular
> shape, the HEC in video packets is set to 1 just for the first video packet
> in a VOP, while for the following VPs in the VOP no information for the
> independent packet decoding is provisioned.
> I thus wonder if i have misunderstood the code (enc/vm_vop_code.c)...

You do _not_ missunderstand the code.
> If not, why this choise has been made?

In the HE most information of the VOP header is duplicated,
so that if you loose the first packet (with the VOP header)
you can decode with the information form the HE.
If both the first (VOP header) and second (with HE) are lost
then you most probably won't get anything worth decoding
anyway ...
> Thanks in advantage.
> Lucia Valentini
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Herbert Thoma
FhG-IIS A, Studio Department
Am Wolfsmantel 33, 91058 Erlangen, Germany
Phone: +49-9131-776-323
Fax:   +49-9131-776-399
email: tma   iis.fhg.de
www: http://www.iis.fhg.de/

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