[M4IF Technotes] including videos into my mp4scene
tm991058 fh-stpoelten.ac.at
Sun Apr 20 19:13:31 EDT 2003
I'm still working at my problem to integrate videos into my mp4 scene (into
my bt file)
I understand that I could produce a mp4 file out of an avi and then use the
mp4tool to get the video tracks out of this mp4, which I can reuse in my
bifstext file...
By now I tried two methodes:
1st method:
With Virtual Dub:
Video / Compression... / DivX5.0.2 / Configure / Advanced Parameters /
"Create MP4"
(I've now installed the divx pro version 5.0.2 ... with divx pro v 5.0.3 it
didn't work - there is no field "Create MP4")
I have already created a mp4 file out of my avi..with this method...but
unfortunately there are two failures when I try to play the mp4 file in my
player (Player: BS Contact MPEG-4):
2nd method:
I also tried to use the mpeg4ip tool (the binaries) to get from an avi to a
mp4 file..
finaly I could really produce a mp4 file but moreover I cannot play it in my
player ..there is the failure
I did it like this: (with the binaries from mpeg4ip:
avi to raw video (avi2raw60.exe) - then raw video to cmp (encoder60.exe)-
then cmp to mp4 (mp4creator.exe))
I didn't not know if it is the parameter file I need for the mp4-encoder
(raw video to cmp) which is not correct .. and if this is the reason for the
But then I found a cmp file and so I did only the last step: cmp to mp4
(with mp4creator from mpeg4ip)
There I also gain the failure "MP4 Error BUFFER_TOO_SMALL" when I try to
play it in my player...
so I still do not know how to create a mp4 file out of an avi file...
The next step would be to use mp4tool to extract the video and the audio
tracks from the mp4 file, and
then reuse them in a context with BIFS.
This should work like this:
I used the mp4 files which produce the failures when opening them in the
I use the GUI version of mp4tool...
there I did like this:
Stream Extractors
->Expand From (here the path for my mp4 file)
->Expand To (here I type "test.media" where the mp4tool should write the
media file)
..I don't know how to produce the nhnt file... maybe the same way:
->Expand From (here the path for my mp4 file)
->Expand To (here I type "test.nhnt" where the mp4tool should write the nhnt
I used my bifstext file and wrote the Object UPDATE with the muxInfo:
ObjectDescriptor {
objectDescriptorID 12
esdescr [
ES_Descriptor {
es_id 40
streamPriority 0
decConfigDescr DecoderConfigDescriptor {
objectTypeIndication 194
streamType 4
upStream false
bufferSizeDB 5000
maxBitrate 0
avgBitrate 0
slConfigDescr SLConfigDescriptor {
muxInfo muxInfo {
fileName "Pix/video.media" #my folder with my media file created
with mp4tool
but it didn't work..
mp4tool didn't converte this bt file to a mp4 file...
This is reasonable because the mp4 file from with I create the media + nhnt
file has errors...
But I would like to know if the method - the way is correct...?
I do not know what I should try now... what would you advice to me?
Thanks very much for the help I've gained until now!!!
Best regards,
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