[M4IF Technotes] Where is the specification for...

Mathijn Elhorst mathijn elhorst.com
Wed Apr 30 14:12:04 EDT 2003

You are looking at data for the BIFS (Binary Format For Scenes) scene 
graph data version 1 (obj. descr. 1). A  working document 
(14496-1:2002)  describing the systems part of MPEG-4 including BIFS, 
can be found here:
The bytes correspond to the following scene-graph:
OrderedGroup {
   children Shape {
       appearance Appearance {
           texture MovieTexture {
               url "od:3"
       geometry Bitmap {
which is the simplest way to start playing a video found in the track 
with object descriptor id 3
Stage NexVision wrote:
>Hi guys,
>   I'm trying to understand what is in the "mdat" atom, and concerning video
>information or audio information, I've found the corresponding specification
>However, I have some data (of 0x0A length) that are pointed by an trak
>definition containing the corresponding descriptor (in esds atom) that is of
>type "Object descriptor = 1 (Scene); and Stream Type = 3 (Scene)"
>In the mdat atom, the corresponding data are
>C0 11 A4 CD 54 11 40 3D 04 C0
>I cannot recognize what type it is (not an object descriptor, or neither an
>If you know how to understand these bytes, please tell me.
>Thank you.
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Mathijn Elhorst   mailto:mathijn   elhorst.com
www.elhorst.com   mobile:+31 6 29051524      home/work:+31 23 5329286

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