[Mp4-tech] Quicktime 6.4 MPEG-4 & 3GPP support and license is sues

Lefan Zhong LZhong nvidia.com
Mon Dec 1 14:18:57 EST 2003

In my experience, the Quicktime in my machine may have trouble with
resync-markers, data partition and RVLC.
Does any people get similar or different experience with QuickTime?
-----Original Message-----
From: Laurent Le Bourhis [mailto:lebourhis ondim.fr]
Sent: Friday, November 28, 2023 1:03 AM
To: MP4-Tech lists.mpegif.org
Subject: [Mp4-tech] Quicktime 6.4 MPEG-4 & 3GPP support and license
I am currently investigating the best way to include MPEG-4 and 3GPP video
and audio support in one of our customer's application. As I said it is
targeted only for video and audio support. One of the intersting solutions
would be to use Quicktime 6.4 API to perform decoding and demultiplexing. My
first move was to evaluate how Quicktime behaves itself regarding .mp4 and
.3gp files. So I went to  Envivio and Philips and downloaded their video
samples (including interoperability samples). My current success rate is
only that 50% of the files play correctly. Does anybody could give more
details about issue ?
Is Quicktime late regarding interoperability or are the Envivio and Philips
samples outdated ?
My second question is perhaps more [MP4-discuss]-oriented but nevertheless
since it regards Quicktime, I'll ask it there. As far as I know, usage of
MPEG-4 involves licensing fees to be paid to MPEG-LA. If I use the Quicktime
API including MPEG-4 and 3GP support, do I get it for free since I suppose
Apple already pays for the license ?
Laurent Le Bourhis
14, rue Soleillet
Tél : +33 (0) 1 40 33 88 00
Fax : +33 (0) 1 40 33 65 54
Gsm : +33 (0) 6 08 41 48 20
Email : lebourhis ondim.fr
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