[Mp4-tech] Quicktime 6.4 MPEG-4 & 3GPP support and license is sues

Parag Chaurasia paragchaurasia rediffmail.com
Tue Dec 2 10:43:23 EST 2003

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  I have been using "QuicTime Player" for Playback of .3gp files. I too have experienced that 
(1) when the 3GPP file contains MPEG-4 Video stream with Data Partitioning, RVLC and Resync Markers enabled, the display is NOT proper.
(2) Sometimes when I SEEK "Vigourously", the QuickTime player hangs with the 3GPP files even when though 3 parameters have been disabled within the MPEG-4 Video Stream.
On Tue, 02 Dec 2023 Lefan Zhong wrote :
>In my experience, the Quicktime in my machine may have trouble with
>resync-markers, data partition and RVLC.
>Does any people get similar or different experience with QuickTime?
>-----Original Message-----
> From: Laurent Le Bourhis [mailto:lebourhis ondim.fr]
>Sent: Friday, November 28, 2023 1:03 AM
>To: MP4-Tech lists.mpegif.org
>Subject: [Mp4-tech] Quicktime 6.4 MPEG-4 & 3GPP support and license
>I am currently investigating the best way to include MPEG-4 and 3GPP video
>and audio support in one of our customer's application. As I said it is
>targeted only for video and audio support. One of the intersting solutions
>would be to use Quicktime 6.4 API to perform decoding and demultiplexing. My
>first move was to evaluate how Quicktime behaves itself regarding .mp4 and
>.3gp files. So I went to  Envivio and Philips and downloaded their video
>samples (including interoperability samples). My current success rate is
>only that 50% of the files play correctly. Does anybody could give more
>details about issue ?
>Is Quicktime late regarding interoperability or are the Envivio and Philips
>samples outdated ?
>My second question is perhaps more [MP4-discuss]-oriented but nevertheless
>since it regards Quicktime, I'll ask it there. As far as I know, usage of
>MPEG-4 involves licensing fees to be paid to MPEG-LA. If I use the Quicktime
>API including MPEG-4 and 3GP support, do I get it for free since I suppose
>Apple already pays for the license ?
>Laurent Le Bourhis
>14, rue Soleillet
>Tél : +33 (0) 1 40 33 88 00
>Fax : +33 (0) 1 40 33 65 54
>Gsm : +33 (0) 6 08 41 48 20
>Email : lebourhis ondim.fr
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