[Mp4-tech] IBM BatchXMT file format
Andreas Åkre Solberg
video solweb.no
Wed Dec 3 16:51:03 EST 2003
I am playing with the IBM BatchXMT tool for creating mp4 files from
XMT-O scene descriptions. In the samples I downloaded the XMT files
refer to .cmp video files. I tried to include one of my own mp4 files
(created from qt pro), but without success. Do I need to convert them
to the .cmp format, in that case; what is the .cmp file format, and how
do I convert to it?
I also have problems scaling and rotating videos with the same tools. I
have tried the following code:
<video dur="media" src="../multimedia/videofile.cmp">
<animate id="sdlfkj" dur="5s" repeatDur="indefinite"
attributeName="rotation" from="0deg" to="180deg"
calcMode="linear" />
<animate id="cmov2" dur="5s" repeatDur="indefinite"
from="1.0 1.0" to="5.0 5.0"/>
The same code works for rotating circles and rectangles.
Andreas Åkre Solberg, Telematikk NTNU
http://www.item.ntnu.no/~andrs - andrs item.ntnu.no
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