[Mp4-tech] question ME algorithm

Wang Hui wangh china.com
Mon Dec 8 01:23:07 EST 2003

Dear Alexis:
Sincerely appreciate your help.
The total number of bits of fast algorithms is a little bigger than that of full search method. For in the MPEG-4 vm, the picture number of being coded is write in the configuration file (*.ctl),  and the encode.dats file indicate that the same number of
pictures is coded, are there other checks should be done about the number of coded pictures?
I find little content about the 'white block' ie. Intra type MB in the papers, I'll read your paper.If there are any further questions, I'll ask for your advice. Thanks a lot.
best regards
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tourapis Alexandros" <alexandros.tourapis thomson.net>
To: "Wang Hui" <wangh china.com>; "sunx" <sunx pollux.usc.edu>
Cc: "MP4-Tech" <MP4-Tech lists.mpegif.org>
Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2023 10:15 PM
Subject: RE: [Mp4-tech] question ME algorithm
Dear Wang Hui,
There are two things you need to also check, the total number of bits, but also the total number of coded pictures. If your encoder skips pictures due to some conditions (rate control), then your results would not be as meaningful. In general you need to consider jointly bitrate and quality (PSNR). Also I am not aware which sequences you are testing. It is possible that if you are using a rather stationary sequence (e.g. container, akiyo etc) and coding your sequence at very low bitrate/high qp, that your results are very similar. On the other hand you will most likely see a big difference if you use high motion sequences. Are you also using an Rate Distortion Optimization within your software? 
Maybe this would also be useful to you since it discusses some of the algorithms implemented within the MPEG-4 OM, while it also mentions briefly the impact of intra decision:
A.M. Tourapis, O.C. Au, M.L. Liou, "Highly Efficient Predictive Zonal Algorithms for Fast Block-Matching Motion Estimation," in IEEE Transactions of Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol 12, Issue 10, pp. 934-947, Oct. 2002
Kind regards,

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