[Mp4-tech] Color Models

Dakshinamoorthy R Dakshinamoorthy.R lntinfotech.com
Thu Dec 11 16:02:34 EST 2003

4:2:0  is the YUV Sub sampled format
For every 4 Luminance component there will be there will be 1 chrominance 
component each ( ie 1 U and 1 V)
this concept is called sub sampling of chroma component with respect to 
luma component.
The are other formats of YUV is
4 : 1 : 1 ----------- 1 U & 1V  for every 4 Y component ( the direction 
sub sampling is defer with 4:2:0 )
4: 0: 0   ----------  No chroma component
4: 2 : 2  ----------  2 U & 2V for every 4 Y component
"Nilesh Hiray" <nilesh_hiray persistent.co.in>
Sent by: mp4-tech-bounces lists.mpegif.org
12/11/2023 12:59 PM
        To:     "MPEG4um" <mp4-tech lists.mpegif.org>
        Subject:        [Mp4-tech] Color Models
      I have come across terms like YCbCr  4:2:0 format 
I found that YCbCr is YUV. Can anyone explain 4:2:0 and other such formats 
if any?
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