[Mp4-tech] MPEG (H.264, BSAC), MPEG-2 TS Encoding & Decoding

Davies, Martin Martin.Davies radioscape.com
Thu Dec 18 14:00:38 EST 2003

Thanks for that.  The output client has to run on a Windows PC and except
the data streamed in from my uni-directional network (i.e. not over IP).
That is why I'm looking at DirectShow.  However, I'll gladly explore any
-----Original Message-----
From: the_ether [mailto:the_ether btinternet.com]
Sent: 18 December 2023 13:45
To: mp4-tech lists.mpegif.org
Subject: Re: [Mp4-tech] MPEG (H.264, BSAC), MPEG-2 TS Encoding & Decoding
There is an open source MPEG2-TS implementation called VideoLAN:
http://www.videolan.org/ <http://www.videolan.org/> 
If you considered other transport methods then there is the Darwin Streaming
server from Apple, and the Helix server from RealNetworks.
Can't help with h.264 though I'm afraid, only MPEG4.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Davies, Martin <mailto:Martin.Davies radioscape.com>  
To: 'mp4-tech lists.mpegif.org' <mailto:'mp4-tech lists.mpegif.org'>  
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2023 1:22 PM
Subject: [Mp4-tech] MPEG (H.264, BSAC), MPEG-2 TS Encoding & Decoding
I need to be able to do the following in software:
a) Encode a video source (e.g. from a video capture card) as H.264 and BSAC
streams and then multiplex them
into an MPEG-2 Transport Stream (this can be real-time or offline).
b) Extract the H.264 and BSAC streams from an MPEG-2 Transport Stream and
decode them (in software), preferably using DirectShow Filters.
Does anyone know where I could get an encoder and TransMux to do (a), and
DirectShow filters (or other software or source code) to do (b) ?
I need to decode and render H.264 and BSAC MPEG streams inside an MPEG-2
Transport Stream.  Are there any filters available that will connect to the
output pins of the MPEG-2 Demultiplexer Filter to decode and render the
contents of the MPEG-2 Transport Stream?
I (well my employers, actually) am prepared to pay for these if necessary.
I have tried web searches, but have drawn a blank!
Any help much appreciated.
Martin Davies
Martin Davies 
Senior Software Engineer, Professional DAB Products 
RadioScape Ltd.
2 Albany Terrace, Regent's Park, London NW1 4DS, UK
Tel: +44 020 7224 1586 
Fax: +44 020 7224 1595
Web: < http://www.radioscape.com/ <http://www.radioscape.com/> >
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