[Mp4-tech] request: mpeg 4 audio , video profiles and levels

ravi kumar ravimpeg4video yahoo.co.in
Mon Dec 29 13:34:01 EST 2003

hi all,
  I request you to please clarify the following 
1. How many profiles and levels are there in MPEG4 ASP
2. Where I could find profile and levels for all MPEG? 1, 2,4,7?
    (including frame rates)
3.  Which is best profile and level for most of the common usage( say  < 1MBps) applications
4. In real time ( say video conference applications)  how one can merge  audio and video profile  OR talk about profile and levels( since audio and video profile and levels are different)?
5.  Show me the  web link so that I can clarify few more doubts.
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