[M4IF Technotes] Re: Reference Code ISO/IEC 11164-5

Dave Singer singer apple.com
Mon Jul 14 14:51:56 EDT 2003

At 15:14 +0530 7/14/03, Umang Garg wrote:
>Hi Dave, Ralph :
>So is it right to say that libisomedia is a more updated version 
>compared to libisomp4 ?
>Hence it should imply that we should use libisomedia.
>Then , what is the need for libisomp4  ?

I tend to always use the latest;  but maybe there are projects which 
depend on features (or bugs) of old versions.  Or that is what they 
were verified with, or ...
>Umang Garg
>NeoMagic Design Center
>Dave Singer wrote:
>>At 14:38 +0530 7/14/03, Umang Garg wrote:
>>>Dear Ralph,
>>>Further to your suggestion ( below) of building our own *.lib 
>>>files for MPEg-4 AAC; I will like to know want to know what is the 
>>>difference between:
>>>libisomp4 and libisomedia
>>>They seem to have the same set of source files except the 
>>>directory containing the source files  for Libisomp4 contains one 
>>>additonal file called MJ2Atoms.c
>>yes, libisomedia represented an update with the support for motion 
>>jpeg 2000 (and many bug fixes).
>>>Best Regards,
>>>Umang Garg
>>>NeoMagic Design Center
>>>Ralph Sperschneider wrote:
>>>>Kannan GS Nambiar wrote:
>>>>>Hi all,
>>>>>         I have recently procured a collection of reference 
>>>>>software from ISO for 11164 MPEG 4 Standard. I am basically 
>>>>>interested in AAC LC Decoder which is part of 11164-3.
>>>>>         I am trying to run this code on windows XP which is not 
>>>>>working out.So please anyone of you tell me for which Windows OS 
>>>>>this code is developed for.I mean is it for NT or 2000.
>>>>The reference software (C-code) is not developed for a certain 
>>>>Windows OS at all. It was developed mainly under Unix systems, 
>>>>and is basically intended to run with gcc. Some contributors 
>>>>provided some *.ds[pw] files, but they might be outdated.
>>>>>The code is failing inside the libtsp.lib which handles the I/O 
>>>>>operations like file open, file close etc.
>>>>>         The reference code consists of two libraries
>>>>>                 1:    
>>>>>                 2:      \natural\rewrite\mp4AudVm\win32\lib\libtsp.lib
>>>>>         and I am using the workspace 
>>>>I wonder how libraries found their way into the distribution. You 
>>>>are strongly encouraged not to use these libraries but to build 
>>>>them on your own. The libisomp4 / libisomedia should be available 
>>>>as source code as part of the Systems reference software. The 
>>>>libtsp source code is available here: 
>>>>>         So please advise me what I am supposed to do as I do not 
>>>>>have the source code for these libraries.
>>>>This problem should now be solved.
>>>>>Shall I change my OS from XP to NT??
>>>>I guess this is not necessary.
>>>>>Thanks In Advance,
>>>>Best regards,
>>>Technotes mailing list
>>>Technotes   lists.m4if.org

David Singer
Apple Computer/QuickTime

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