[Mp4-tech] Access to test vectors for MPEG-4 AAC

Heiko Purnhagen purnhage tnt.uni-hannover.de
Thu Feb 19 17:51:17 EST 2004

Dear Ravindra Kumar Sande,
> Ravindra Kumar Sande wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to access
> ftp://[email protected]/mpeg4audio-conformance folder to
> retrieve latest test vectors for MPEG-4 AAC.
> But it is asking for password. Can you kindly let me know the
> procedure to get the password to access  the mentioned  folder.
> I would be grateful for your immediate response.
> Best regards
> Ravindra Kumar Sande,
> System LSI Division

The full link incl. password is
  ftp://mpaudconf:[email protected]/
as it can e.g. be found on
hope this helps
     Heiko Purnhagen
Heiko Purnhagen                    |
Senior Research Engineer           | Coding Technologies
phone: +46 (0)8 442 91 69          | Döbelnsgatan 64
fax:   +46 (0)8 33 09 88           | 113 52 Stockholm, Sweden
mailto:hp CodingTechnologies.com   | http://www.CodingTechnologies.com

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