[Mp4-tech] Thnx all for the help.

Amit Trivedi anmol_trivedi myrealbox.com
Wed Jan 21 12:16:43 EST 2004

Hi friends,
I thank you all for the help. i'll take a look at your suggestions. have 
a nice time!
Tobias Oelbaum wrote:
>For testing you won't need to encode all frames, just decide upon one
>number of frames to encode, PSNR will give you a first hint about the
>Dipl. Ing. Tobias Oelbaum                                              '
>Institute for Data Processing       Lehrstuhl für Datenverarbeitung    '
>Munich University of Technology     Technische Universität München     '
>                                                                       '
>EMail: oelbaum ei.tum.de                                               '
>Tel:   +49 89 289 23625                                                '
>Fax:   +49 89 289 23600                                                '
>>-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>>Von: mp4-tech-bounces lists.mpegif.org 
>>[mailto:mp4-tech-bounces lists.mpegif.org] Im Auftrag von Amit Trivedi
>>Gesendet: Dienstag, 20. Januar 2004 14:32
>>An: mp4-tech lists.mpegif.org
>>Cc: a17435 alunos.det.ua.pt
>>Betreff: Re: Re: AW: [Mp4-tech] testing for H.264
>>thnk u very much for ur help. i'll try that thing. but in my 
>>file i think there is 300 frames(around 12MB). so should i 
>>write 300 frames to be encoded? i think it will take too much time.
>>thnks again for the help. i'll be keep in touch. bye all!!!
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: "ANTONIO RICHARD ABREU DA SILVA" <a17435 alunos.det.ua.pt>
>>To: "Amit Trivedi" <anmol_trivedi myrealbox.com>
>>Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2024 13:10:37 +0000
>>Subject: Re: AW: [Mp4-tech] testing for H.264
>>Ok, i realize what is your problem. The output file 
>>(test_dec.yuv, if you don't changed) is always of 112kb 
>>because in the config file encoder.cfg, the default 
>>settings are to code 2 frames, this is because your 
>>output. I suggest to take a closer look at this config 
>>and then set the codec to perform what you desire.
>>Best Regards
>>On Tue, 20 Jan 2024 05:19:14 -0700
>>  "Amit Trivedi" <anmol_trivedi myrealbox.com> wrote:
>>>thnx for the reply.
>>>i think the case of bitstream is okay. but why i'm
>>>confused is if i give the input YUV file of say 30MB then 
>>>output is produced in the test_dec.yuv , am i right? and 
>>>the size of that size always remains 112 KB. i've not 
>>>made any changes in the config files except the input 
>>>file name. so can you please tell me in which YUV file it 
>>>is producing the decoded output. and how can i compare my 
>>>decoded output with the input. Actually i've to test that 
>>>the input file and the output file (Produced after the 
>>>encoding and decoding process) are same. Please give me 
>>>some idea.
>>>i'm sorry. i'm new to this field. thnx. waiting for the
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: "Tobias Oelbaum" <oelbaum ei.tum.de>
>>>To: "'Amit Trivedi'" <anmol_trivedi myrealbox.com>
>>>Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2024 12:59:35 +0100
>>>Subject: AW: [Mp4-tech] testing for H.264
>>>Hi Amit
>>>The encoder software produces one compressed bitstream as
>>>specified in
>>>the config-file. The size of this compressed bitstream 
>>>depends on the
>>>settings you use (quantisation parameters etc). 
>>>The output YUV file of the decodeder hopefully has the 
>>>same size of your
>>>input YUV file (at least if you settings in the 
>>>config-file tells the
>>>encoder to encode all the pictures of your input file). 
>>>Would suggest,
>>>that you take a closer look at this config-file.
>>>Dipl. Ing. Tobias Oelbaum 
>>>                                            '
>>>Institute for Data Processing       Lehrstuhl für 
>>>Datenverarbeitung    '
>>>Munich University of Technology     Technische 
>>>Universität München     '
>>>            '
>>>EMail: oelbaum ei.tum.de 
>>>                                             '
>>>Tel:   +49 89 289 23625 
>>>                                              '
>>>Fax:   +49 89 289 23600 
>>>                                              '
>>>>-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>>>>Von: mp4-tech-bounces lists.mpegif.org
>>>>[mailto:mp4-tech-bounces lists.mpegif.org] Im Auftrag 
>>>>von Amit Trivedi
>>>>Gesendet: Dienstag, 20. Januar 2004 12:33
>>>>An: mp4-tech lists.mpegif.org
>>>>Cc: a17435 alunos.det.ua.pt
>>>>Betreff: [Mp4-tech] testing for H.264
>>>>thnx. i know about the latest version, but i'll be
>>>>working on 
>>>>JM 7.3 throughtout. actually the software is running but 
>>>>YUV files it is producing are of the same size every 
>>>>time. i 
>>>>mean to say is irrespective of the input YUV size the 
>>>>YUV size are all the same and that is 112 kb. so i dont 
>>>>how to test this software properly. i hope u can 
>>>>that. and i also dont in which output file its producing 
>>>>decoded video.
>>>>its very urgent. please help me as early as possible.
>>>>Thnx again.
>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>><a17435 alunos.det.ua.pt>
>>>>To: "Amit Trivedi" <anmol_trivedi myrealbox.com>
>>>>Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2024 10:14:22 +0000
>>>>Subject: Re: [Mp4-tech] /x?.FPEB.CB81gx.RPd0MQ.b
>>>>Right now there is an update and a more recent verison
>>>>h.264 in the reference software page.
>>>>Related to your question, what kind of documentation do 
>>>>you want?. In the reference software page there is the 
>>>>documentation relatively to the software functions.
>>>>Hope this helps
>>>>On Tue, 20 Jan 2024 00:23:29 -0700
>>>>  "Amit Trivedi" <anmol_trivedi myrealbox.com> wrote:
>>>>>hi friends,
>>>>>i'm working on H.264 standard. i'm using the JVT
>>>>>reference software. The reference software is perfectly
>>>>>running but i'm not getting the proper documantation on 
>>>>>how to test the JVT reference software. Currently i'm 
>>>>>working on the JM 7.3 version. can anybody help me out 
>>>>>testing the reference software?
>>>>>Thank You.
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