[Mp4-tech] MP4 file format with QuickTime

Dave Singer singer apple.com
Mon Jan 26 12:24:45 EST 2004

At 1:04 PM +0200 1/26/04, Ariel David wrote:
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>Hi all,
>I have an MP4 (mpeg-4 system) stream that I created with my own encoder.
>This is an encoder that I built according to the standard.
>The stream is playable with Windows Media Player, but QuickTime will 
>not play it.
>I noticed in the standard that there is something about QuickTime file format.

only an informative note ... -:)
if you are making MP4 files according to the spec. and QT isn't 
playing them, various possibilities come to mind
a) you're using a sub-system QT doesn't implement (e.g. BIFS, the 
still-frame coder, any audio object except AAC...)
b) we have a bug... (we do)
c) you have a bug...
>Is there something special that I need to insert into the stream so 
>that QuickTime can play it.

really hard to say without more details...
>Furthermore, I checked streams created by other encoders and noticed 
>that in certain places that
>are defined as reserved in the standard are different in these streams.

at what layer, and what is different from what?
>Can someone explain this nice little phenomenon with QuickTime?
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David Singer
Apple Computer/QuickTime
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