[Mp4-tech] MPEG4 video + AMR audio

Jean-Claude Dufourd jean-claude.dufourd enst.fr
Tue Jun 1 13:46:55 EDT 2004

rchawla wrote:
> Is  a file writer reference software available on the net which can 
> save MPEG4 video+AMR audio in a .mp4 file?

AMR audio is not possible in MP4 files. The interface with AMR audio is 
a 3GPP extension to the ISO base media file format.
Now if your question was:
"Is a file writer reference software available on the net which can save 
MPEG4 video+AMR audio in a .3gp file?"
then did you try mpeg4ip ? Mp4Box (from the GPAC package) ?
They should be able to do that.
If you have a copy of mp4tool (which is not distributed anymore for 
licensing reasons), mp4tool is able to do this.
Best regards

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