[Mp4-tech] where can download MP4 files

Ralph Sperschneider ralph.sperschneider iis.fraunhofer.de
Tue Jun 8 16:45:21 EDT 2004

ranzhao wrote:
> Dear All
> Could anyone please tell me where can download MP4 files.
> Thanks
> Best Regards,
> zhaoran

I guess you mean "where can _I_ download MP4 files".
You will most likely not get an answer unless you specify which kind of content
(Audio, Video, ...) you would like. There are plenty of mp4 files with totally
different content available and spread over the internet, and noone will collect
all those addresses for you just because you did not specify more clearly what
are you looking for.
Best regards,
Dipl.-Ing. Ralph Sperschneider  | Phone: +49 9131 776 344
Fraunhofer IIS                  | Fax:   +49 9131 776 398
Am Wolfsmantel 33               | mailto:ralph.sperschneider iis.fraunhofer.de
D 91058 Erlangen                | http://www.iis.fraunhofer.de/amm/

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