[Mp4-tech] question on H.264

Bule bulegato libero.it
Tue Jun 8 21:26:54 EDT 2004

Hi I am an italian student of Telecomumìnications Engineering   on Padua and i am writing a thesis about H.264 for my thrre years degree..but i have some questions. I have serached on internte but and i don't find any answer so i hope someone of you can help me:
- i don't understand the meaning of the variable rem_intra4x4_pred_mode[ luma4x4BlkIdx ] of the ITU standard, where is set the value of this variable and why sometimes i have to consider it instead of the predIntra4x4PredMode which is the most prbable mode ( following the definition of vcodex), perhaps because using the prediction mode defined by predIntra4x4PredMode  i'll do an error which is higer than the maximum permitted ??
Please help me 
                                                  REgards, Luca 
Sorry for my english.
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