[Mp4-tech] How to Create a Header for 16-bit PCM Audio Raw Data

swhong csis.hku.hk swhong csis.hku.hk
Fri Jun 11 00:56:26 EDT 2004

I'm trying to create a MP4 file that accepts 16-bit PCM audio raw data. But, 
I've problem in filling in the decoder specific header information in the ESDS 
atom. I've checked the MPEG-4 part 3 standard that no decoder type code was 
given for PCM raw data. Only decoder type code, for example AAC, CELP etc, was 
given. Would anybody here advise me how to do that. 
Actually, I'm query whether I can simply attach the raw audio data, I mean PCM 
data, to the MP4 file without wrapping the data with a mpeg4 recognized 
encoder (e.g. AAC, CELP etc.). Please advise me. 
Thanks in advance.
-- Philip Hong
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