[Mp4-tech] Re: [jvt-experts] Regarding H.264 content in MP4 file format

Teruhiko Suzuki teruhiko av.crl.sony.co.jp
Thu Jun 17 18:18:05 EDT 2004

Dear Mihir,
> Where can I find H.264 content in MP4 file format as MPEG4- part 15? 
> Does there are PC based software which supports H.264 encoding 
> as per MPEG4 part 15?

I think conformance and software of MP4 for H.264/AVC is 
the work item of MPEG systems Gp. I think they know the
current status of conformance and reference software
of MP4.
Best Regards,
Teruhiko Suzuki
Imaging Technology Center, IMNC
Sony Corp.
TEL: +81-3-5795-7966  FAX: +81-3-5795-8563

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