[Mp4-tech] MPEG-J

Mikael Bourges-Sevenier mikael sevenier.com
Wed Jun 23 10:27:00 EDT 2004

Dear Raghavendra,
MPEG-J was finalized about 2 years ago. It has been designed to allow
programmatic control of an MPEG-4 terminal resources. Using Java and MPEG-J
API, one can control network access, decoders, and the scene. From a
presentation point of view, MPEG-J doesn't render MPEG-4 streams but allow
you to control what is rendered.
Recently (since March), a new activity has started called MPEG-4 Part 21
"MPEG-J extensions for rendering" whose goal is to allow a Java application
to access directly the rendering resources and hence control more finely
what is rendered on screen. This activity has been triggered following the
requirements of various industries and in particular the mobile industry.
Kind regards,
Mikael Bourges-Sevenier
VP & CTO, Mindego Inc.
5201 Great America Parkway, Suite 320
Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA
tel: +1 408.873-1694
From: mp4-tech-bounces lists.mpegif.org
[mailto:mp4-tech-bounces lists.mpegif.org] On Behalf Of Raaghu Nagaraj
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2023 5:23 PM
To: mp4-tech lists.mpegif.org
Subject: [Mp4-tech] MPEG-J
I was wondering about the status of MPEG-J. Specifically whether it has
gained traction in the Industry, whether it has gained foothold on handsets
>From what I understand, it is a Java API that allows applications to render
MPEG streams. Is this correct?
Raghavendra Nagaraj
Research Engineer
Vidiator Technology (US) Inc.
10900 NE 8th St, Suite 600
Bellevue, WA 98004. USA.
Telephone: 1.425.688.8811 x2153
Email: raaghun vidiator.com
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