[Mp4-tech] [video] MPEG
sunx pollux.usc.edu
Sun Jun 27 01:31:14 EDT 2004
It should be the PSNR of the last frame. However, you can compute the PSNR
for each Y, U, V components, or for the average of them. You can also
compute the arithmetic or geometric mean as the PSNR value.
Best regards,
On Sat, 26 Jun 2004, [iso-8859-1] Gulistan Raja wrote:
> Dear All
> Encoding a sequence using Micrsoft Reference MPEG4
> encoder for certain frames, we get PSNR values for
> each frame. I am confused about the PSNR value of last
> frame that whether it is the last frame PSNR or
> average PSNR of all encoded frames. Could anyone,
> please clear my confusion
> Thanks
> Raja
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