[Mp4-tech] MPEG-4 Video VBV.. Buffer Analysis

Veni Soni vodprof yahoo.com
Tue Jun 29 00:25:13 EDT 2004

1. In case of VBV (annex-D), nothing is specified
about the input rate of the VBV buffer (R). Assume R
to be constant we can model the VBV. In real scenario
(like ISMA, MPEG-4 AV over RTP), who determine this R.
To be specific, does the transmit time of RTP
determine R (assuming constant delay between receiver
and sender).
2. For maintaining the bitrate, mpeg4 provide the
stuffing codewords which can be inserted before
startcodes. Does this account for the VBV buffer
3. DTS of a frame = prev frame CTS (provided there are
no B frames). why it is so
where as in case of mpeg2 DTS of a frame = CTS of the
frame (provided there are no B frames)
Thanks in advance,
enJOY life
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