[Mp4-tech] Which Codec implementation is better [ software basedorHardware Based ]

prasad bc prasadj2k yahoo.co.in
Thu Feb 10 07:45:22 ESTEDT 2005

Hi All,
   Here is the typical generalization of the Architecture design (implementation) for a video or still image codec design.
1. the time available.
2. the final product, application.
3. Cost Consideration.
    keeping this, the best product would be which, when we include hardware and software parts in it. Decision of whihc to be in hardware and whihc to be software is based on the codec specification and the blocks in it. 
    the example like for MPEG stds, basically the transforms and the coding part like arithmetic coding are taken to hardware always preprocessing and bit streaming part has to be in software. where we can plug to many applications.
   this is the basic method or to compromise between the flexlibity, power consumption.
   Some the basic problems which leads here, if not carefull at design time is that syncronization in hardware and software.
   Please let me know comments and suggestion on this type of design.
With warm regards,
Prasad B C
Yu-Bin Zhu <Yubin.Zhu esstech.com> wrote:
Generally speaking, as compared with that of hardwired implementation, the advantage of software based codec is flexibility because there are so many video coding standards such as H.264, MPEG1/2/4, WMV9, RealVideo, AVS, etc, each standard may have different profiles or levels targeted on different applications. A well architected software based codec might be able to support multiple or changing standards by just updating the software and firmware. 
The disadvantages are mainly the cost(larger chip die size) and power consumption because the optimized architecture for each individual standard may differ greatly with each other. For example, the DCT/IDCT used in MPEG1/2/4(part2) is much more complex than that used in H.264 because the former requires IEEE1180 compliance and later is bit-exact by natural and only requires shift-add operations. Another example in motion compensation, a 9x9 full pixel input is able to generate a 8x8 quarter pixel block based on a 8-tap FIR and data mirroring in MPEG4, while the same number of input will only generate a 4x4 quarter pixel block based on a 6-tap FIR in H.264, you can now see the different requirements for DMA controllers in these two standards.
The discussion reminds me to ask a question to experts on this forum: will the difference of computational intensity processes of various standards be increasing, in which direction? is there any common understanding to questions such as how to assign hardware horse power on transformation, compensation based prediction among others? A sense of "range of complexity"(if any) is very helpful to determine the most efficient hardware architecture.
 -----Original Message-----
From: Prashant Desai [mailto:prashant.desai vsnl.co.in]
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2024 4:58 AM
To: Shanmugam T
Cc: mp4-tech lists.mpegif.org; mp4-tech-bounces lists.mpegif.org
Subject: Re: [Mp4-tech] Which Codec implementation is better [ software basedorHardware Based ]
what about the disadvantages of software based codec implementations and other trade offs for hardware/chip based codec implementation 
Prashant Desai 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Shanmugam T 
To: Prashant Desai 
Cc: mp4-tech-bounces lists.mpegif.org ; mp4-tech lists.mpegif.org 
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2024 9:54 AM
Subject: Re: [Mp4-tech] Which Codec implementation is better [ software basedor Hardware Based ]
Hi Prashant, 
   Software based codec has following advantages, 
        i)  Code can be ported across many platforms without any change or with minor modifications if required. It gives better re-usability and time-to-market 
        ii) General DSP or RISC processor in a system, can be used for other codecs (audio etc) also.         
        iii) Software updating will be easier than hardware modification.           
 Please correct me if my understanding is wrong!         
Shanmugam T
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Prashant Desai <prashant.desai vsnl.co.in> 
Sent by: mp4-tech-bounces lists.mpegif.org 
08/02/2024 04:54 PM 
        To:        mp4-tech lists.mpegif.org 
        Subject:        [Mp4-tech] Which Codec implementation is better [ software based or Hardware Based ]
Hello All 
  i am new to this digital content would , i would like to know and understand the Pros/Cons of different methods of implementation of the MPEG -4 , MPEG-2 decoder is better compared to the other . 
  Based on my current understanding there are two ways by which the MPEG-4 /MPEG-2 decoder's  can be implemented the first method is using a combo of DSP processor and software implementation of MPEG-4/2 decoder whereas the other is to implement the full hardware based MPEG-4/2 decoder ,   i think it's always better to have 100% hardware based 
decoder from performance point of view , i dont know what are the advantages of using a software based MPEG-4/2 decoder on the top of DSP processor .......... 
i would be really grateful if  you guys can provide your opinions and imputs in this regard 
warm regards, 
Prashant Desai 
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