[Mp4-tech] [opendtv] Re: HDTV and SDTV Decoders for MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 AVC

Craig Birkmaier craig pcube.com
Tue Feb 15 11:49:13 ESTEDT 2005

At 9:45 PM +0530 2/15/05, Prashant Desai wrote:
>no if i wants to decode 3 different channels through STB then 3 decoders
>right ?
>i mean 2 channels for TV [PiP ] and one for PVR support ? am i right ?

How many streams can be viewed from one box/ I suspect it is only ONE.
You do not need a decoder for the PVR, as you only need to store the 
compressed IP packets - decoding only is necessary when you want to 
view the content. You should be able to find a SINGLE decode design 
that can support all of the codecs that you may use. Since you are 
just starting the system, an H.264 decoder can do the job - just 
choose the level of performance you want to support (SD or SD & HD). 
IF you also want to decode MPEG-2, there is a good chance that the 
commercial decoder chips will do that too (but the royalties will be 

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