[Mp4-tech] [Video] H.263 maximum encoded frame size

Strong Qu squ ati.com
Wed Jul 20 10:20:56 EDT 2005

Does any body know whether there is limitation for maximum H.263 frame
size? For mpeg4 simple profile QCIF the spec said:
ISO/IEC 14496-2:2003(E) \ Annex D: Video buffering verifier \ D.2 Video
Rate Buffer Model Definition clause 10:
The number of bits used for coding any single VOP, di, shall not exceed
k * 16384 bits, where k = 4 for QCIF and Sub-QCIF, k = 16 for CIF, k =
32 for 4CIF, and k = 64 for 16CIF, unless a larger value of k is
specified in the profile and level definition.
For QCIF, k=4. So maximum encoded frame size should be 8k bytes.
Does H.263 comply with the same rule? How about H.264? How about the
compatibility between H.263 and Mpeg4? I found an article referred by
San Jose meeting, Feb. 1998. 10. French National Body, "Compatibility
Between MPEG-4 and H263", ISO/IEC. JTC/SC29/WG11 MPEG98/3065
But I don't where I could get it. Is it published? Thanks in advance.
Strong Qu 
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