[Mp4-tech] interlace field support in H.264

Karsten Suehring ksuehring web.de
Fri May 6 01:48:53 EDT 2005

A frame macroblock in a frame coded picture can be predicted from a
reference frame or a complementary reference field pair. A macroblock in
a field coded piture can be predicted from single fields, fields of
reference field pairs and fields of coded frames. I would suggest
reading section "Initialisation process for reference picture lists"
Best regards,
pankaj bansal wrote:
> */I have one more doubt, /*In a encoded stream(with config_file setting
> pic_interlace = 2 and mb_interlace = 0) Is it possible that for P and B
> slices (excluding mb_type B_Skip, B_Direct_16x16, B_Direct_8x8 ) a MB in
> a field is predicted from a frame or a MB in a frame is pdredicted from
> a field?
>  Actually i am confused with the clause in H.264 standard.
> can you explan this clause more clearly?
> Thanks & Regards
> Pankaj Kumar Bansal
> */Gary Sullivan <garysull windows.microsoft.com>/* wrote:
>     Fields can be stored.  Certain pairs of fields are grouped together
>     in two special ways.  Those special pairs are called complementary
>     reference field pairs and complementary non-reference field pairs. 
>     You should read the details of the standard to understand how this
>     stuff really works.  The basic notion is that the decoder reference
>     picture buffer is considered to be constructed of memory areas that
>     are structured as frames.  When appropriate, two fields will be
>     placed in the same decoder frame memory storage area.  Fields can
>     only be coupled together for use as a reference frame when this is
>     the case.  So the model basically fits your structuring described in
>     "(2)", rather than "(1)".  But again I caution you to study and
>     consider all the details before jumping to any overly-general
>     conclusions.
>     Best regards,
>     Gary Sullivan
>         *From:* mp4-tech-bounces lists.mpegif.org
>         [mailto:mp4-tech-bounces lists.mpegif.org] *On Behalf Of *pankaj
>         bansal
>         *Sent:* Tuesday, May 03, 2024 10:12 PM
>         *To:* mp4-tech lists.mpegif.org
>         *Subject:* [Mp4-tech] interlace field support in H.264
>         I have one doubt related to the decoded reference buffer in the
>         case of interlaced support. Is there only frames are stored or
>         field can be stored?
>         for example suppose ref_buffer[8] is a buffer used to store the
>         decoded ref. frames or fields. Now which of the following thing
>         can be possible
>         (1)
>         ref_buffer[0] store frame1
>         ref_buffer[1] store top_field(frame2)
>         ref_buffer[2] store bottom_feld(frame2) ...........
>         (2)
>         ref_buffer[0] store frame(frame1)
>         ref_buffer[1] store top_field and bottom_field of (frame2)
>         thanks & regards
>         pankaj
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