[Mp4-tech] [systems][MP4 file format]- Which to buy 14496-1:2001 or 14496-2004 ?

Girish Shenoy girish dgbmicro.com
Tue Sep 20 20:20:03 ESTEDT 2005

I am working on a mp4 file format and I am following 14496-14:2003 version. 
This standards document has a normative reference to 14496-1. Although 
14496-1:2004 revises 14496-1:2001 I am still doubtful as to which one to 
refer to for the following reasons
1. 14496-14 mentions that undated references would mean reference to the 
latest 14496-1 (which would be the 2004 version). But the 14496-14 that i 
refer to itself is a 2003 version which means at the time that standard was 
published the 14496-1:2001 was in effect and not the 2004 one.
2. Document size and the cost of 14496-1:2004 is less than that of the 2001 
version. This doubt of mine sounds silly but I just want to make sure that 
14496-1:2004 is independently readable without any normative references to 
As per the information in the ISO catalog, I believe it is sufficient for me 
to just buy 14496-1:2004 and rest assured that all the content of 
14496-1:2001 and its ammendments/corregindum have been already incorporated  
in 14496-1:2004.
Could somebody confirm on this for me?

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