[mp4-tech] Which one should i use the paper about FAST INTRA PREDICTION?

Gary Sullivan garysull windows.microsoft.com
Wed Aug 2 21:24:25 EDT 2006

"Carter" et al,
There wouldn't be so many papers on the topic (and new ones getting published all the time) if this was an easy question to answer.  The best method is also likely to be different for different applications and for different encoder processing architectures.  I really don't know the answer.
One place to start might be to have a look at the reference software for the standard.  I think it has some example algorithms in it.  There is also an algorithm document that describes the algorithms that are implemented in the reference software.  It might be a good idea to look up that document.  I don't recall off-hand what the latest version was, but some effort in digging through recent committee document archives should be able to produce it.
Best Regards,
Gary Sullivan
	From: Carter [mailto:dv2 naver.com] 
	Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2023 10:12 PM
	To: Gary Sullivan
	Cc: mp4-tech lists.mpegif.org
	Subject: [mp4-tech] Which one should i use the paper about FAST INTRA PREDICTION?
	Nowdays, I have been interesting about "FAST INTRA PREDICTION".
	I search so many the paper about FAST INTRA PREDICTION at ieee.org.
	But i can not decide which one is the better paper. 
	So, could please teach me about "Which one should i use the paper about FAST INTRA PREDICTION?". I want know about  good  latest information.
	Thank you.
	 <mailto:dv2 naver.com>  
 <http://happybean.naver.com/main/home.jsp> 새로운 기부 문화의 씨앗, 해피빈 <http://happybean.naver.com/main/home.jsp> 	 	 <http://www.naver.com/> 	
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