[Mp4-tech] MPEG-4 reference source bitstreams

Gary Sullivan garysull windows.microsoft.com
Fri Aug 25 19:47:32 EDT 2006

Take a look at the "resources" links on the MPEGIF web site.
Best Regards,
Gary Sullivan 
+> -----Original Message-----
+> From: mp4-tech-bounces lists.mpegif.org 
+> [mailto:mp4-tech-bounces lists.mpegif.org] On Behalf Of Ilyes Gouta
+> Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2023 11:50 PM
+> To: mp4-tech lists.mpegif.org
+> Subject: [Mp4-tech] MPEG-4 reference source bitstreams
+> Hi All,
+> Currently, I'm doing some work on MPEG-4 part 2 (still!) and I ended
+> up modifying an MPEG-4 encoder. Now to test my stuff, I need the
+> reference source sequences to apply them to my encoder and  to check
+> the final result. Does any body know where I can get them? I'm mainly
+> interested in the CIF sized pictures.
+> Best regards,
+> Ilyes Gouta.
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