[Mp4-tech] payload inside a mp4 file

Dave Singer singer apple.com
Mon Dec 11 10:37:13 ESTEDT 2006

At 15:26  -0800 9/12/06, kc manikandan wrote:
>Hello everyone,
>I am working on streaming a mp4 file via RTP. I could not figure how 
>the packetizers find the payload in a mp4 file with the help of hint 
>track.What does the offset values in stco table of hint tracks 
>refer??? I expected the payload samples or frames to be there, but i 
>found some bits, which i am not able to understand. It would be 
>really helpful if someone can throw light on this issue of reaching 
>the address of the payload with help of hint tracks.

All tracks contain "samples" (perhaps not the best term, but there we are).
A sample in a video track is a frame, for example.  A sample in an 
audio track is typically a frame also (of compressed sampled audio).
A sample is located by being in a chunk, and having a size.  You find 
the offset in the chunk by adding the sample sizes of the preceding 
samples in the same chunk.
A sample in a hint track is a set of hints -- packet builder instructions.
You want to read chapter 10 of 14496-12 (freely available from ISO).
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David Singer
Apple Computer/QuickTime
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