[Mp4-tech] H.264 frame rate

Dave Singer singer apple.com
Fri Aug 17 12:22:52 EDT 2007

At 5:48  +0000 15/08/07, ChenJianjun wrote:
>The reason I cared about "frame rate" is I am 
>wondering how does decoder know when to output 
>a picture. So it seems that there are three 
>places that can decide when to output a picture:
>1) system-level or application-level that you 
>mentioned,it should be a constant frame rate.

Both RTP and the MP4 file format provide for 
individual timestamps for pictures.
>2) VUI parameter,it will point out frame rate is 
>fixed or non-fixed, and the frame rate value if 
>it is fixed.
>3) Picture timing SEI message semantics(SPEC 
>D.2.2), it can calculate a clocktimestamp for 
>each picture, but the parameter"time_scale" and 
>"num_units_in_tick" derives from 2).
>So my new question is what's the relationship 
>between 1),2) and 3)? Can I conclude as follows:
>if 1) exists, 2)and 3) does not exist;

2 and 3 are not needed in those circumstances, 
indeed.  The MP4 file format allows the picture 
timing SEI in the stream, but says that the file 
format level timing over-rides it.
>if 1) does not exist, and if 2) point out a 
>fixed frame rate, then 3) does not eixt;
>if 1) does not exist, and if 2) point out a 
>non-fixed frame rate, then 3) exists.
>Subject: RE: [Mp4-tech] H.264 frame rate
>Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2023 10:58:22 -0700
>From: garysull windows.microsoft.com
>To: cjj730 hotmail.com; mp4-tech lists.mpegif.org
>.ExternalClass P 
>Please define the term frame rate.  Are you 
>under the impression that the number of decoded 
>pictures per second needs to be a constant?  If 
>so, that is an incorrect impression in some use 
>If there is no frame rate expressed in the video 
>elementary stream syntax, there may be such an 
>animal defined in a system-level or 
>application-level specification.
>If there isn't, then it is possible that the 
>video bitstream does not have a frame rate 
>(depending on your definition of what a frame 
>rate is).
>However, there will be a constraint on how close 
>together in time the decoder can be required to 
>decode each pair of consecutive pictures in the 
>bitstream in decoding order.  Similarly there 
>will be a constraint on how close together in 
>time the decoder can be required to output each 
>pair of consecutive pictures in the bitstream in 
>output order.  Those constraints are specified 
>by the level constraints in Annex A.
>Best Regards,
>Gary Sullivan
>From: mp4-tech-bounces lists.mpegif.org 
>[mailto:mp4-tech-bounces lists.mpegif.org] On 
>Behalf Of ChenJianjun
>Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2023 5:41 AM
>To: mp4-tech lists.mpegif.org
>Subject: [Mp4-tech] H.264 frame rate
>Dear experts:
>How to calculate the H.264 frame rate?
>I noted that VUI parameter(SPEC E.1) and Picture 
>timing SEI message semantics(SPEC D.2.2) may 
>have such information.But they are optional,then 
>how to get the frame rate information if there's 
>no such information?
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David Singer
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