Dmitriy Vatolin
dmitriy graphics.cs.msu.ru
Fri Aug 24 03:38:00 EDT 2007
Dear codec developers!
Please remember about soon deadline for "Call for codecs".
Number of downloads of PDF's with previous Third annual H.264
comparison was more than 30000 at the end of July and we have good
feedback from many companies (and total number of PDF's with
comparisons download become bigger than 200000).
If you are not sure in your codec results please let us know, we
become more flexible in publishing policy this year.
Also last year we done wide research in new video metrics area
(objective artifacts measurement and etc) and this metrics will be
used to extend testing results in this year comparison (with
cross-compatibility tests and other innovations).
Please do not think "Maybe we will participate next year". Nothing
is perpetual. This comparison takes more time, than it seems, so do
not lose your chance to compare.
Looking forward to see new codecs as participants!
Sincerely yours,
Dr. Vatolin
Wednesday, July 11, 2007, 12:08:40 AM, you wrote:
DV> Dear Experts,
DV> Please forward this information to video codecs developers!
DV> Moscow State University Graphics & Multimedia Laboratory starts next
DV> 4-th annual H.264 codecs comparison. There is some information about it
DV> below. Let us know if any questions.
DV> ===========================================================================
DV> Fourth Annual H.264 video codec comparison
DV> For practical researchers and developers in the field of high-end video compression
DV> ===========================================================================
DV> Scope of Test
DV> -------------
DV> * Encoding time, speed/quality analysis
DV> * Objective quality measurements (PSNR, SSIM, Average Advantage, etc.)
DV> * Analysis of averaged objective results
DV> * Leaders in different areas
DV> * Decoder tests (including cross-compatibility tests)
DV> * Special analysis of codec parts
DV> Important Dates
DV> ---------------
DV> August, 26 v Deadline for receipt of a H.264 codec with required presets
DV> September, 10 v Deadline for settling technical problems with codec-s functioning
DV> November, 7 - Draft of the report that will be sent to all participants
DV> November, 14 - Deadline for reception of comments on the draft
DV> December, 15 - Comparison report release
DV> Enhancements in comparison to Previous H.264/AVC Comparison
DV> -----------------------------------------------------------
DV> * Cross-compatibility test
DV> * New sequences
DV> * New type of special analysis for codecs
DV> * Using natural sequences' special modifications
DV> * Using synthetic sequences
DV> * Separate analysis of codecs main subsystems
DV> Developer Deliverables
DV> ----------------------
DV> The following deliverables should be provided by each developer:
DV> * Codec files (CLI executable file is preferable)
DV> * Short description of codec parameters
DV> * Codec's presets with mentioning what H.264/AVC profiles are used
DV> The full text of Call for Codecs is available at
DV> http://www.compression.ru/video/codec_comparison/call_for_codecs_07.html
DV> Variants of Participation
DV> -------------------------
DV> There are two variants for companies to participate in our comparison:
DV> 1. Participation for free. All results of your codec will be published,
DV> except special cases of measurements problems due to codec
DV> instability.
DV> 2. Private participation. A special report will be prepared only for your
DV> company. This report contains:
DV> * Your codec results and all material from the free version
DV> * Special additional analysis of your codec
DV> If you are interested in the private participation, please contact us
DV> for details.
DV> Useful Links
DV> ------------
DV> * Third Annual MSU MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 Video Codec Comparison
DV> http://compression.ru/video/codec_comparison/mpeg-4_avc_h264_2006_en.html
DV> * MSU Lossless Video Codecs Comparison'2007
DV> http://compression.ru/video/codec_comparison/lossless_codecs_2007_en.html
DV> * Subjective Comparison of Modern Video Codecs
DV> http://compression.ru/video/codec_comparison/subjective_codecs_comparison_en.html
DV> Sincerely yours,
DV> Dr. Vatolin
DV> _______________________________________________
DV> NOTE: Please use clear subject lines for your posts. Include
DV> [audio, [video], [systems], [general] or another apppropriate
DV> identifier to indicate the type of question you have.
DV> Note: Conduct on the mailing list is subject to the Antitrust
DV> guidelines found at
DV> http://www.mpegif.org/public/documents/vault/mp-out-30042-Antitrust.php
Best regards,
Dmitriy mailto:dmitriy graphics.cs.msu.ru
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