[Mp4-tech] [SVC] Compilation errors

Krzysztof Hebel kmhebel engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Thu Apr 10 16:54:35 EDT 2008

I tried to compile the SVC source code (JSVM_11) under Linux using the 
supplied KDevelop project file. However, when 'Build->Build project' is 
selected I am getting multiple errors with the CabacWriter constructor and 
destructor. Below is one of them: 
make -C test/MCTFPreProcessor
linking ../../../../../../bin/MCTFPreProcessorStaticd (g++)
../../../../../../lib/libH264AVCEncoderLibStaticd.a(CabacWriter.d.o): In 
function `~CabacWriter':
undefined reference to 
Does anyone know what might be the cause of such error?
Best regards,
Krzysztof Hebel

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