MPEGIF Qualified Products Directory
Qualified Logo
The MP4 Qualification mark indicates products that have completed the Logo Qualification conformance and/or Premium conformance Tiers as outlined by MPEGIF.

Qualification Procedure

Get Started:

Confromance Tier Requirements

  1. Register your company.
  2. Download and execute the MPEGIF Logo License Agreement
  3. Download and execute the MPEGIF Declaration of Conformance
  4. Register qualified products in the MPEGIF Conformance Tier Product Directory

Premium Conformance Tier Requirements

  1. Register your product to be tested
  2. If your product is a Decoder:
    • Print the Decoder Checklist
    • Download the indicated Qualification bitstreams
    • Self Test your decoder
  3. If your product is an Encoder
    • Print the Encoder Checklist
    • Arrange for three manufacturers of Qualified Decoders to test & certify your product. MPEGIF will assist in contacting qualified decoder manufactures, if requested.
  4. Have your appropriate technical and business representatives execute the appropriate certification documents. Upon successful review by MPEGIF your product will be officially Approved and will be added to the Premium Conformance Tier Product Directory

Use the Logo

  1. Download the MPEGIF Logo Artwork
  2. Download and review the Logo Mark Usage and Style Guidelines.
  3. Start promoting your product by using the Logo on products, packaging, and related documentation.

Program Rules

This document explains the philosophy and operation of the Qualified Products Program

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