[M4IF Technotes] ServerCommand Node

Rob Koenen rkoenen intertrust.com
Mon Aug 6 00:49:25 EDT 2001

Version 2001 of Systems is fully ready to be published by ISO.
It integrates all the finalized versions up until now.
Should be any day now. I wil make an announcement
on this mail list when it is there.
-----Original Message-----
From: Liang Cheng [mailto:lcheng61   hotmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, 05 August, 2001 23:39
To: chris   avipix.com; rkoenen   intertrust.com; fakl   rostock.zgdv.de;
technotes   lists.m4if.org
Cc: olivier.avaro   attglobal.net
Subject: Re: [M4IF Technotes] ServerCommand Node
One question:  
I bought a version of 14496-1 in iso recently, but it is only w2501.  I
would like to see the latest one, maybe ISO/IEC 14496-1:2000/FDAM 1 (w3724).
Is there anyone know where I can get it?  Thank you.
Liang Cheng
>From: "Christopher Wendt" 
>To: "Rob Koenen" , "Falk Dobermann" , 
>CC: "Olivier Avaro \(E-mail 2\)" 
>Subject: Re: [M4IF Technotes] ServerCommand Node 
>Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2023 06:52:53 -0400 
>Hi Falk, All, 
>The ServerCommand Node is defined in ISO/IEC 14496-1:2000/FDAM 1 (w3724). 
>A ServerCommand Node is triggered by a boolean event but transmits an 
>SFString "command" 
>You can use ServerCommand in a proprietary way and send the mouse 
>coordinates in the command string, or 
>off the top of my head, you may be able to use a Valuator Node to translate

>the coordinates of the Plane Sensor, but in that case you may need 3 
>ServerCommand Nodes for x, y, and z coordinates. 
>Anyway, hope that helps. 
>Christopher Wendt, avipix, llc 
>chris   avipix.com 
>(732) 682-5549 
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: Rob Koenen 
>To: Falk Dobermann ; technotes   lists.m4if.org 
>Cc: Olivier Avaro (E-mail 2) 
>Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2023 2:20 AM 
>Subject: RE: [M4IF Technotes] ServerCommand Node 
>I haven't seen an answer to this question yet. 
>-----Original Message----- 
>From: Falk Dobermann [mailto:fakl   gmx.de] 
>Sent: Monday, 16 July, 2001 6:45 
>To: technotes   lists.m4if.org 
>Subject: [M4IF Technotes] ServerCommand Node 
>Where can I find information about the ServerCommand BIFS-node? What kind
>data is transmited on the backchannel? Can I send the mouse coordinates 
>using a PlaneSensor connected to a ServerCommand node or is it just for 
>boolean events? 
>Thank you, 
>Technotes mailing list 
>Technotes   lists.m4if.org 

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