[M4IF Technotes] generation of mp4 files

Dave Singer singer apple.com
Fri Oct 4 10:16:58 EDT 2002

At 01:09 -0700 10/4/02, xin chen wrote:
>Hi all,
>I've some questions during generation a mp4 file:
>1.Video Encoder: when player of mpeg4ip (gmp4player)
>is used to decode the mp4 file generated by QT Pro, it
>reports to use xvid plug-in to decode video, while
>mpeg4ip itself supplies two kinds of encoder: ISO
>encoder(mp4venc) and xvid encoder(xvidenc). So xvid is
>different from ISO encoder, but it's ISO compliant?
>Who can give me a detailed explanation of QT Pro
>Encoder and its compliance with ISO?

I'd be happy to attempt to answer any questions you have.
>2. Audio Encoder: I tried different ways to encode a
>wav file to AAC format, under windows .aac is
>generated but it is not recognized by QT, and when
>.aac is packaged to .mp4 by mpeg4ip, cannot decoded by
>QT either. Under Linux, I use the FAAC from mpeg4ip,
>it fails and says:
>faac -pLOW -b128 true.wav
>Without libsndfile, only raw format is allowed
>What does it mean? I think the wav file is correct
>because it can be encoded into mp3 by lame of mpeg4ip.

QuickTime handles only MP4 files with MPEG-4 AAC, as Ivan noted. 
Does his answer solve your question?
I'd be happy to look at the possibility of our WAV importer handling 
files with MPEG-4 AAC embedded in them, also, if needed.  I need to 
know where that is specified, and have an example file.
David Singer
Apple Computer/QuickTime

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