[M4IF Technotes] Osmose mp3

Zui Roul pantaloonmc hotmail.com
Thu Apr 17 15:45:50 EDT 2003

Hello all,
I`m having a problem encoding aac into an MPEG-4 scene, Perhaps if I tell 
you what I am doing you might be able to see an error.
First from ENST website:
How to encode audio to AAC for use with mp4tool
1>install faac
2>install mp4tool
3>use faacgui to encode your wav and generate a file.aac
I did these and generated an AAC file. (by the way the aac file was larger 
than the .wav file, is this normal?? seems strange to me.)
4>mp4tool is capable of parsing aac without nhnt, so just mention the 
 >file.aac in the muxinfo descriptor of your bt and that is it.
wrote a .bt file with an audio node and these values in the object 
decConfigDescr DecoderConfigDescriptor {
	  objectTypeIndication 103
	  streamType 5 #audio
	  upStream false
	  bufferSizeDB 3000
	slConfigDescr SLConfigDescriptor {
	timeStampResolution 1000
	muxInfo muxInfo {
	  fileName "words.aac"
but when I tried to run it through mp4tool I got the following error :
MP4Tool error:
import from ESD
words.aac is not recognised and has no hints
WARN:  ES createReader -> java.lang.NullPointerException
USAGE: MP4 manager: File output error -> java.lang.NullPointerException
MP4Tool exception:
MP4 manager: File output error
WARN:  ES createReader -> java.lang.NullPointerException
Is it that its looking for a .nhnt file even though it says it doesn`t need 
Thanks in advance,
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