[M4IF Technotes] Osmose mp3

Jean-Claude Dufourd Jean-Claude.Dufourd enst.fr
Thu Apr 17 18:14:39 EDT 2003

Zui Roul wrote:
> I did these and generated an AAC file. (by the way the aac file was 
> larger than the .wav file, is this normal?? seems strange to me.)

This is really strange.
> decConfigDescr DecoderConfigDescriptor {
>       objectTypeIndication 103
>       streamType 5 #audio
>       upStream false
>       bufferSizeDB 3000
>      }
>     slConfigDescr SLConfigDescriptor {
>     timeStampResolution 1000
>     }
>     muxInfo muxInfo {
>       fileName "words.aac"
>     }

Yes, that is the way.
> but when I tried to run it through mp4tool I got the following error :
> MP4Tool error:
> import from ESD
> words.aac is not recognised and has no hints

OK, this means either:
- the aac file is wrong
- the aac file is right but is not detected as AAC
- you have an older version of mp4tool
I need to generate a version of mp4tool anyway, I'll check that this 
function (aac parsing) is in before I release it.
ETA: tonight.
Best regards
Jean-Claude Dufourd       @======================================@
ENST, Dept COMELEC             The wing, over the big rock...
46, rue Barrault          @======================================@
75013 Paris                Tel: +33145817807    Fax: +33145804036

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