[Mp4-tech] Need Help with MP4TOOL

Cyril Concolato cyril.concolato enst.fr
Mon Dec 8 08:52:50 EST 2003

The latest version of mp4tool that you are using was generated 
differently than the previous one and for some reasons it does not seem 
to work well when the directory where the exe is stored is not in the 
path. So you should try to add it. If it is still not working, and since 
you have the jar, you can try to type: java -cp mp4tool.jar Enst.mp4tool 
-extract .... This should work. If it is not working, let us know on the 
mp4tool mailing list.
You could also use the tool from the gpac project called mp4box which is 
an equivalent to mp4tool but developped all in C and under GPL (sources 
at http://gpac.sourceforge.net, exe at 
Cyril Concolato
harish.vasudeva amd.com wrote:
>Hi All,
> I am doing this :
>mp4tool -extract file.mp4 4 video & i get this error message
>Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Enst/mp4tool
> I have mp4tool.jar in my directory as well. Any clues? 
> Basically, I am trying to get a bitstream file (.cmp) from a mpeg4 (.mp4) file.
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