[Mp4-tech] About the error resilience
Sam Lerouge
sam.lerouge ugent.be
Tue Dec 9 09:14:53 EST 2003
Hello Jefferson,
The MPEG-4 Visual standard offers a number of tools for error resilience.
Some of them, in particular resynchronization markers, can be useful in
packet-based transmission. These markers can help limiting the damage caused
by loss of data to only a part of the frame. Any decoder that complies to
the Simple Profile or Advanced Simple Profile should be able to deal with
resynchronization markers. However, not all encoders are capable of
inserting them in the encoded stream (it is not mandatory for an MPEG-4
compliant encoder), so you will have to find an appropriate encoder.
Still, a loss rate of 4% might be just too much for transmitting an MPEG-4
video in a visually acceptable way. Therefore, you might want to consider
other solutions, as mentioned by Vinay in another mail.
Best regards,
Sam Lerouge
Ghent University, Belgium
Department of Electronics and Information Systems, Multimedia Lab
----- Original Message -----
From: <asic dacafe.com>
To: <Mp4-tech lists.mpegif.org>
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2023 1:33 PM
Subject: [Mp4-tech] About the error resilience
> Hi All,
> I am developing an application which transport MPEG4 realtime
> bitstream on the IP network, when the packet loss increases, the
> picture
> full of error blocks, how to handle this case under 4% packet loss
> environment?
> Regards,
> Jefferson
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