[Mp4-tech] Selecting the correct sequence for frames

Pavan B P Pavan soc-soft.com
Wed Dec 17 10:01:46 EST 2003

Hello Nilesh,
> Hi,
>      How to decide the exact frame type(I/P/B) sequences.
> (I mean inter I-frame distance  etc.) Any thumb rules.
> Can I vary it within the same video?
> I would like to encode in the sequence which is best in the general 
> case.
> Regards
> Nilesh

The best sequence would depend on the characteristics of the video that
you are encoding. You can vary the sequence within the same video
(infact you will have to vary it to get better coding efficiency unless
it is a very nicely behaved video).
You can get better coding efficiency if you vary the sequence of I, P
and B-VOPs based on the input video. There is no one sequence that suits
all. It will be different for different video sequences. 
I cannot divulge more details but I can tell you that you need to device
a metric to capture the characteristics of the video and use the nature
of I, P and B-VOP's to decide the sequence.
Hope this points you in the proper direction.
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