[Mp4-tech] In need of test streams

Alan Thomson A.Thomson indigovision.com
Tue Jan 13 12:48:57 EST 2004

These files are found on the European Broadcasting Union SQAM (sound quality
assessment material) CD, along with another 66 tracks.
Contact this helpful lady and she will send you a copy:
Mrs Armi Heikkinen 
Communications Service 
European Broadcasting Union 
17 A Ancienne route 
CP 45 
1218 Grand-Saconnex (GE) 
tel:+004122 717 20 35 
fax:+004122 747 40 35 
e-mail : heikkinen ebu.ch <mailto:heikkinen ebu.ch>  
-----Original Message-----
From: Apoorva M Ankad [mailto:Apoorva soc-soft.com]
Sent: 13 January 2024 12:16
To: mp4-tech lists.mpegif.org
Subject: [Mp4-tech] In need of test streams
Dear all,
            I am in need of the following wave files for testing the AAC
             TrackNo      Duration    Contents
               65                 1:52       Orchestra
               66                 0:18       Wind ensemble
               69                 0:33       ABBA
               70                 0:21       Eddie Rabbit
            Can anybody kindly tell me where I can find these?
Thanking you,
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