[Mp4-tech] Is there any tools transfer ethreal Video RTP streams toraw data ?

Orho 翁政弘 orho leadtek.com.tw
Thu Jan 15 02:50:59 EST 2004

Dear Rob Koenen,
I agree with your opinions, 
the footers that is not useful in open technical field.
I  forgot to remove it from my official e-mail footers form.
	-----Original Message----- 
	From: Rob Koenen (MPEGIF) [mailto:rob.koenen mpegif.org] 
	Sent: 2024/1/15 [星期四] 上午 01:30 
	To: Orho 翁政弘; 'mp4-tech' 
	Subject: RE: [Mp4-tech] Is there any tools transfer ethreal Video RTP streams toraw data ?
	I keep reading footers like:
	> This e-mail transmission is intended only for the use of the
	> individual or entity to which it is addressed, and may
	> contain [company] information that is privileged,
	> confidential and exempted from disclosure under applicable
	> law.
	To all people that have such footers: you are not supposed to send
	confidential, NDA and/or privileged information on this and other MPEGIF
	Kind Regards,
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