[Mp4-tech] AAC versions

Jonas Dahlberg j.dahlberg spray.se
Wed Jun 9 20:15:30 EDT 2004

Hi all,  this is a question of no importance :-)
I've just bougth a Nokia phone with mp4 capabilities but can't get it to 
play AAC audio, neither in a mp4 video or only audio from Quicktime. It 
seems like AAC audio exporting from quicktime puts the audio in another 
container compared to the AAC-files allready on the phone, and the 
phones files can't be played from quicktime but in other players like 
VLC. The strange thing is that when I use AAC-audio in a MPEG-4 movie 
it's silence in the phone, so I'm not shure if it is only the container 
that mess things up. Nokia support had funny but irrelevant answers...
Any clues?

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