[Mp4-tech] problems with mp4 video files

Jean-Claude Dufourd jean-claude.dufourd enst.fr
Wed Jun 30 00:48:36 EDT 2004

Bernhard Lang wrote:
> i want to convert a *.mp4 video file to *.media, *.nhnt and *.info 
> with "mp4tool" by ENST.
> i'm trying to get a *.mp4-file by converting a divx-avi with divx 
> 5.0.2. but i always get error messages telling me, that the input 
> *.avi file isn't convertable, altough it is a divx 5.0.2 encoded file.

mp4tool looks for the 4cc codes "divx", "dv50" and "xvid".
If your file has something else, you may change the 4cc code in any hex 
editor and try again.
Sorry for suggesting such a hack, but we cannot distribute new versions...
Best regards

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