[Mp4-tech] best motion estimation

Tourapis Alexandros alexandros.tourapis thomson.net
Tue Jun 29 19:03:54 EDT 2004

It depends on how/what you quantify/qualify as "best". There are many
items you need to consider, implementation complexity (hardware vs
software), memory requirements, quality peformance, speed up increase
etc. Other constrains within your system could also affect your decision
of the ME scheme, while depending on the codec you use, i.e. MPEG4-AVC,
other features such as Mode decision are critical. There is a book by
Peter Kuhn named "Algorithms, Complexity Analysis and Vlsi Architectures
for Mpeg-4 Motion Estimation" which provides some overview, but it might
be considered a bit outdated while you can definitely find much better
references online. For certain applications (especially in hardware)
Hierarchical algorithms can be for certain applications (esp in
hardware) the better option, while for others you can go for predictive
algorithms (although you can claim that maybe I am biased on this
prediction). DS in general is not considered a very good scheme. 
You can see the following :
M.Gallant, G.Cote, and F.Kossentini, "A Computation Constrained
Block-based Motion Estimation Algorithm for Low Bit Rate Video Coding",
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 8(12), Dec'99 
A.M.Tourapis, O.C.Au, and M.L.Liou, "ighly efficient predictive zonal
algorithms for fast block-matching motion estimation,"IEEE Transactions
on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol.12, Iss.10, Pages:
934- 47, Oct'02
A.M.Tourapis, "Enhanced Predictive Zonal Search for Single and Multiple
Frame Motion Estimation," in proceedings of Visual Communications and
Image Processing 2002 (VCIP-2002), pp. 1069-79, San Jose, CA, Jan'02
H.Y. Cheong, A.M. Tourapis, "Fast Motion Estimation within the H.264
codec," in proceedings of 2003 IEEE International Conference on
MultiMedia & Expo (ICME-2003), Baltimore, MD, July 6-9, 2003
There are also several algorithms in the literature with tiny variations
(e.g. using different patterns for example) but more or less the concept
is the same. Select a set of predictors, examine their reliability,
select the best one(s), and if necessary refine using certain patterns
within a small area around them. 
Best regards
From: mp4-tech-bounces lists.mpegif.org
[mailto:mp4-tech-bounces lists.mpegif.org] On Behalf Of karunakar A.K.
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2023 10:33 AM
To: mp4-tech lists.mpegif.org
Subject: [Mp4-tech] best motion estimation
Please tell me which is the best block based motion estimation
algorithm? I consider the fast dimond search, is it true or not?
with regards
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