[Mp4-tech] Re: Maintaining CBR in AAC LD

Ralph Sperschneider ralph.sperschneider iis.fraunhofer.de
Mon Dec 17 22:14:03 EST 2007

Viraj Karandikar wrote:
> Hi,
> AAC LD use ER AAC LD object type. This type uses er_raw_data_block() 
> which doesn’t support fill elements.
> So how to maintain CBR in AAC LD streams without fill elements?
> Regards,
> Viraj

Dear Viraj,
there is still a fill mechanism available by means of the extension 
payload. Using the extension type EXT_FILL you can spend any number of 
fill bytes. Alternatively you can us the extension type EXT_FILL_DATA, 
which requires a special bit pattern for the fill bytes.
Best regards,
Dipl.-Ing. Ralph Sperschneider  | Phone: +49 9131 776 344
Fraunhofer IIS                  | Fax:   +49 9131 776 398
Am Wolfsmantel 33               | mailto:ralph.sperschneider iis.fraunhofer.de
D 91058 Erlangen                | http://www.iis.fraunhofer.de/amm/

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